
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Navarro River Water Trail Proposal - Class I/II Whitewater, Mendocino County, California

Paddleboaters - please help by filling out the online survey.

Navarro River - Boating Recreation Survey.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

Survey data will be tabulated on Sept 15, 2012. The Anderson Valley Land Trust in cooperation with the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program is evaluating the Navarro River as a potential non-motorized boating water trail. This survey about boating on the Navarro will assist in that evaluation. The Navarro River is located in southern Mendocino County about 2 hours north of San Francisco. The primary focus of the study is between Hendy Woods State Park in the Anderson Valley downstream to Navarro Beach in the Navarro River Redwoods State Park .

Please forward this link to others in the non-motorized boating community who might be interested to participate in this survey.
Navarro River canoeing

Photo credit: Barbara Hartford

Maps of Navarro River Valley.

Acme Mapper online map user instructions. Click and drag to reposition this interactive map.
• The tool on the left zooms in and out. Point on the red markers to see the names.
• Map=roads. Satellite=satellite map. Terrain=3D shaded topo map. Topo=topographic map.
Full-Screen online interactive map - Navarro River Canyon.

Street View of Hwy 1 Bridge over the Navarro River.

View Larger Map
See instructions for using Street View.

On behalf of the Anderson Valley Land Trust . . . THANK YOU!!!!

Patrick T. Miller, AVLT Board Member

For more information:
Navarro River Whitewater Paddleboating Guide
Navarro River Water Trail blog - Anderson Valley Land Trust
Navarro River Water Trail Assessment 2011, Anderson Valley Community Services District

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  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    This is a worthwhile cause. Beautiful stretch of creek/river. Two days in April. Upper Wilderness run = class II, Hendy CG to Dimmick CG. Lower run is Dimmick to the sea, start out on a brushy creek, class I+, end up at the ocean. Fantastic Redwoods and wildlife. Camping at Hendy, Dimmick, and the beach (usually way too windy to camp at the beach). Watch out for wood hazards!!! OK for novices with good maneuvering skills, NOT beginners. Day two can be done in sea kayaks.

    Two things: Access is good but we could use a legal put-in below the brushy part on day two, say a few miles below Dimmick, this will help keep novices out of trouble. Speaking of Dimmick - During float season you will need to bring both water and tables. Tables are not in place and water is not turned on until after flood/float season. Once the summer season hits, this
    CG gets disgusting fast, SP folks from Hendy are "supposed" to patrol and clean, but it takes a while for them to get around to it; trash everywhere, fires left burning at vacant sites, people obviously living there full time in total squalor, etc.

    Try to catch this one between 400 and 800 CFS if you can (watch the flow come down after a rain).

    The little store at Navarro has excellent food and a concert venue (a few years ago they got the Winter Brothers!!!, so don't laugh).

    If you've made the run, please fill out the survey, If you haven't put it on the to-do list.

    Thanks, HarryD

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Thanks for sending this Bruce. I filled out the survey and appreciate the opportunity. I've only paddled the Navarro once on an overnight canoe trip, but plan on getting back again this winter. A wonderful river and a true resource to be protected.

    Best, JayH
