Topographic Maps - Kayakers, canoers and rafters need good maps for GPS, trip planning and driving directions.
Published by DeLorme, 6th Edition, 2003. ISBN-10: 0899332870. ISBN-13: 978-0899332871.
The book Northern California Atlas & Gazetteer provides a handy, portable set of maps covering all of northern California from the Smith River to the Merced River, nicely bound together with no folding required. The scale is 1:150,000, making the maps great for driving and for locating whitewater rivers and major creeks. Larger local maps will be needed to focus in on finer details of backcountry dirt roads and smaller creeks. |
Through all of its previous editions this has been a critical atlas for backcountry travels in northern California. Even though my Gazetteer 3rd edition copy is still in good condition I am glad that I have updated to the new edition. All of the same maps are on the same pages in the new edition, but there are a number of significant upgrades. The maps are shaded to show a little 3-dimensional character. I think that the quality of printing is a little better so the maps are clearer and fine details are easier to read. GPS users' information is provided with tick marks and grid lines showing World Geodetic System (WGS84) datum.
This DeLorme Gazeteer is a very valuable resource for boating (kayaking, canoeing & rafting) in California, both for trip planning and for driving to your destination. Don't leave home without it !! (**** - my rating 4 stars out of 5).
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# posted by brthomas @ 11:05 AM
