Thursday, April 24, 2008


Protect the Tuolumne River - Stop the SFPUC Water Grab

(updated 17june2008)

Help maintain the freshwater flows that are needed in the California Delta.

"The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is proposing to divert up to 25 million more gallons of water per day from the Tuolumne ... Taking more water from the Tuolumne would harm important habitat for fish and wildlife, including Chinook salmon and steelhead trout, degrade world-class recreation opportunities, and worsen San Francisco Bay-Delta water quality. ... Not only are new diversions harmful, they are unnecessary. The Tuolumne River Trust has collaborated with water efficiency experts to identify a number of flaws in San Francisco’s water demand studies which led to inflated demands and underestimated conservation savings. ... For a balanced and sustainable water plan, conservation is the cheapest, easiest and least destructive way to meet future water needs. Developing local sources such as recycled water can further extend water supplies." This site provides considerable information about efforts to protect the Tuolumne River, how you can take action to help, and water conservation opportunities. (Stop the SFPUC Water Grab - Tuolumne River Trust)

San Francisco and other coastal cities should not be allowed to just dump their treated wastewater into the ocean and then demand more clean water from the rivers. All treated wastewater should be recycled and used for landscaping and industrial water uses. We need smarter water policies to make better use of our limited water supplies.

Sign the Petition - protect the Tuolumne River, the California Delta and the fisheries.

Tuolumne River flow via the San Joaquin River is needed to help maintain the health of the California Delta. Chinook salmon, striped bass and many other fisheries in the California Delta are critically endangered, a sign that the entire ecosystem is collapsing. Protect the Tuolumne River - sign the petition.

For more information:
Tuolumne River Directory - Recreation & Conservation.
Don't divert from Tuolumne River to water Bay Area lawns - San Jose Mercury News 17june2008.
California Delta Directory - Conservation, Recreation & Water Policy. (79 sites).
California Delta Water Supply Policy and River Conservation Articles - BRT Insights.
San Francisco plans water grab from exhausted Tuolumne River - SF Daily 28april2008 - pdf.

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