Friday, February 23, 2007


Auburn Dam Opponents in the Blogosphere

Here is a list of bloggers opposing Auburn Dam and supporting river conservation. Please add these sites to your blogrolls. Let me know about any other blogs that should be added to this list. If we all link to each other and post comments on each others' blogs it will help us to get higher ranks in the search engines. This will get our message out to more readers and more voters.

River Blogs Opposing Auburn Dam.

Environmental Blogs Opposing Auburn Dam.

Political Blogs Opposing Auburn Dam.

Auburn Dam supporters currently have the highest ranks in the search engines.

Try searching for Auburn Dam in any of the search engines - Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and you will see what I mean. Auburn Dam opponents will need to get smarter about putting our message out on the Internet if we want to compete better for the attention of our potential supporters. My Tips for Bloggers section describes what I know about publicizing a blog and earning higher ranks in the search engines. It starts with quality and quantity of content. Write about important things that other people will be interested to read. Make links to other sources of great info using the name Auburn Dam whenever appropriate in your hyperlink text. Put Auburn Dam in the titles and subtitles of your blog posts. Register your blog with online directories. Contact website owners and ask them to link to your blog. Install the Google toolbar into your web browser, enable display of PageRank information and work towards higher PageRank scores for your blog.

More about: Auburn Dam, Flood Control and River Conservation.

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