Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuolumne River Parkway - California Paddleboating Guide.
Kayaking, canoeing, rafting & tubing in Stanislaus County, California, USA.
This run provides 70 miles of class I-II boating.
A. La Grange to Turlock Lake State Rec Area, class I-II, 10 miles (A)
B. Turlock Lake State Rec Area to Waterford, class I-II, 13 miles (B)
C. Waterford to Fox Grove, class I, 7 miles (C)
D. Foxgrove to Legion Park, class I, 10 miles (D)
E. Legion Park to Shiloh Fishing Access, class I, 11 miles (E)
F. Shiloh Fishing Access to Durham Ferry SRA, class I, 20 miles (F)
River flow data updates:
• USGS Real-Time Water Data - Tuolumne River near La Grange CA. (upstream from A)
• USGS Real-Time Water Data - Tuolumne River at Modesto CA. (downstream from E)
Tuolumne River Map, Road Map, Terrain Map & Topographic Map.
• The map is interactive - click and drag to adjust the location. Map user FAQ.• Point on the red markers to see their names. Use the tool on the left to zoom and pan.
• Map button = road map. Terrain = 3D shaded topo map. Topo = topographic map.
• Full-Screen Topographic Map - Tuolumne River Parkway - Lower Runs.
• More landmarks in Tuolumne River Parkway - Geographic Coordinates. Copy/paste the coordinates below into the search box at Google Maps or into the Find box at Acme Mapper.
N 37.66575 W 120.44106 - USGS river gauge above La Grange
N 37.66643 W 120.46234 - La Grange Regional Park (A)
N 37.62946 W 120.57632 - Turlock Lake State Park (B)
N 37.63490 W 120.75897 - Waterford (C)
N 37.61967 W 120.84549 - Fox Grove Park (D)
N 37.61460 W 120.92560 - Ceres River Bluff Regional Park.
N 37.62256 W 120.95334 - Tuolumne River Regional Park.
N 37.62293 W 120.97321 - Legion Park (E)
N 37.62710 W 120.98722 - USGS river gauge at Modesto
N 37.60335 W 121.13113 - Shiloh Rd Fishing Access (F)
N 37.60583 W 121.17409 - San Joaquin River confluence.
N 37.68817 W 121.26022 - Durham Ferry State Recreation Area. (G)
Driving Directions, Distance, Estimated Time & Road Conditions.
Mapquest provides directions, distance & time from your house to the river.• From Davis, CA to La Grange, CA - driving time 2 hours 14 minutes - 125 miles.
California Road Conditions (Delays or closures due to weather, construction, etc.)
• California Travel Information -
• Road Conditions - California Dept Transportation.
Local weather in Modesto, California.

Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Tuolumne River Parkway Whitewater Boating Directory. (Set display options - alphabetical 100. See sections 1 & 2.)Whitewater Guidebooks - Tuolumne River Parkway.
• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 176-182, La Grange to Fox Grove)• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 244-249, La Grange to Durham Ferry SRA)
• Down the Wild Rivers- A Guide to the Streams of California, 1972. (pg.149-151, La Grange to Waterford)
Tuolumne River Parkway Trip Reports.
• I'm happy to post or link to well-written, whitewater boating trip reports from guest authors, especially if boating pictures are included. Please contact me to submit your trip report.• Tuolumne River Canoe Trips During Oct & Nov - Golden West Women Flyfishers.
Whitewater River Recreation Links - Tuolumne River Parkway.
• Tuolumne River Parkway Recreation Directory. (Set display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)More about:
• San Joaquin River Valley Region - California Whitewater Paddleboating Guides.
• Whitewater River Kayaking, Rafting, Canoeing & Innertubing Guides for California.
• How to use guides to white water river rafting and kayaking - BRT Insights.
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, canoeing, rafting, river tubing, float tube, river map.
Tags: kayaking, river map, paddle boating, river, Tuolumne River Parkway, Stanislaus County, California.
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