Sunday, December 30, 2007
Whitewater River Paddlesports, Recreation & Conservation Directory
Paddlesports, outdoor activities & river preservation in each of the watersheds.
(Updated June 23, 2010) The California River Recreation and Conservation Directory describes river-related websites and is organized by river canyon.
To use the directory: click on "All Tags" then click on a river. Display options - alphabetical 100. Websites in the directory are also organized by category (1=whitewater-kayaking, 2=rafting-canoeing, 3=conservation-environment, 4=fishing-driftboating, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info).
The directory has grown to contain over 2500 websites and to cover most of the major whitewater rivers and creeks in California that are big enough for paddleboating (Alameda Creek, Albion River, American River, Antelope Creek, Arroyo Seco River, Auburn Ravine Creek, Battle Creek, Bear Creek, Bear River, Big River, Big Sur River, Black Butte River, Butte Creek, Cache Creek, Cal Salmon River, Calaveras River, Canyon Creek, Carmel River, Carson River, Clear Creek, Coffee Creek, Cosumnes River, Cottonwood Creek, Coyote Creek, Cuyama River, Deer Creek, Eel River, Elder Creek, Feather River, Guadalupe River, Gualala River, Hayfork Creek, Kaweah River, Kern River, Kings River, Klamath River, Mad River, Manzana Creek, Mattole River, McCloud River, Merced River, Mill Creek, Mokelumne River, Nacimiento River, Napa River, Navarro River, New River, Noyo River, Owens River, Pajaro River, Pescadero Creek, Petaluma River, Piru Creek, Pit River, Putah Creek, Rancheria Creek, Redwood Creek, Russian River, Sacramento River, San Antonio River, San Joaquin River, San Lorenzo River, Santa Clara River, Santa Maria River, Scott River, Sespe Creek, Shasta River, Sisquoc River, Smith River, Soquel Creek, Squaw Valley Creek, Stanislaus River, Stony Creek, Thomes Creek, Trinity River, Truckee River, Tule River, Tuolumne River, Van Duzen River, Walker River, Yuba River).
Please contact me about any new websites that should be added to the directory.
FRESH DEL.ICIO.US software checks for dead links within a set of bookmarks. Dead links were removed on 31oct2008.
More about:
• Whitewater River Kayaking Paddlesports Directory - BRT Insights.
• California River Conservation and Flood Control Sacramento CA.
• Site Map - BRT Insights Whitewater River Kayaking in California.
Tags: California, rafting, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boating, whitewater, playboating, paddlesport, river conservation, river, water, floodplain.
Labels: conservation, directory
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Cache Creek NF Above Indian Valley Res
Whitewater River Guide & Maps - California.
Recent Flows on Cache Creek NF Above Indian Valley Res.
River Difficulty vs. Flow Rate.
class . . . flow (cfs)II+ - III . ????
Description - Cache Creek NF Above Indian Valley Res.
Cache Creek NF, Ladybug Creek to Indian Valley Res, 10 miles, (Schwind book p198) Flow in this little creek briefly spikes a few times per year during/after the largest rainstorms and then quickly drops back down. Put-in at Ladybug Creek requires some dirt road driving and some hiking. Easier alternate put-ins may be possible along Bartlett Creek if the flow is sufficient. Take-out at or near the top of Indian Valley Reservoir. This brushy, little creek is not recommended for boating. (Lake County, California, USA)Driving map & local businesses in northern California.
• The map below is interactive - click and drag on the map to adjust the location.• Point or DoubleClick on the red markers below to see the landmark names.
• Click on Google logo for full-screen map & local business search.
• Many rivers are not visible on this map; use the topographic map below as the river map.
• Topographic map user instructions.
Driving Directions, Distance, Estimated Time & Road Conditions.
Mapquest provides directions, distance & time from your house to the river.* From Davis, CA to Lucerne, CA - driving time 1 hours 46 minutes.
California Road Conditions (Delays or closures due to weather, construction, etc.)
* California Travel Information -
* Road Conditions - California Dept Transportation.
Topographic River Map.
Full-Screen Topographic Map - Cache Creek NF Above Indian Valley Res.Markers on the topo map show the locations of some of the landmarks listed below (A, B, C).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see the names of the landmarks that they represent.
River Landmarks - Geographic Coordinates.
Copy/paste the coordinates below into the search box at Google Maps or into the Find box at Acme Mapper.
* N 39.18447 W 122.70947, turnoff onto dirt road.
* N 39.19653 W 122.71589, Newman Springs.
* N 39.19927 W 122.70866, put-in at Ladybug Ck/Soap Ck/Cache Ck confluence (A).
* N 39.16730 W 122.64077, Bartlett Creek confluence (B).
* N 39.1656 W 122.6189, gauge location.
* N 39.15842 W 122.59884, take-out at top of reservoir (approximate) (C).
Local weather in Lucerne, California.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Cache Creek Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• I'm happy to post or link to well-written, whitewater boating trip reports from guest authors, especially if boating pictures are included. Please contact me to submit your trip report.River Recreation Links - Cache Creek.
• Cache Creek Directory - Recreation & Conservation. Website resources for the Cache Creek watershed. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)More about:
• Using these guides to white water river paddleboating - BRT Kayaking.
• Nearby rivers & creeks: Stony Creek/Grindstone Creek, Cache Creek, Bear Creek (Colusa County), Sacramento River Valley Region.
• Whitewater River Guides for California - BRT Insights.
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Tags: kayaking, paddle boating, river map, river, whitewater, California.
Labels: guide
The Bombproof Roll and Beyond, 1993 (kayaking skills - book review)
Basic techniques for whitewater river kayak paddlers.
Part I Bracing Techniques and the Eskimo Roll includes both basic and advanced information. Bracing and rolling are critical basic skills that every whitewater river kayaker must learn and then continue perfecting while moving up to intermediate and advanced levels of boating. This nicely illustrated book does a great job of showing the beginning kayaker what needs to be learned and showing the teacher some hints for instruction. Part II An Introduction to Playboating provides good basic skills information for river running and kayak playboating. This section is somewhat dated because kayak design and playboating techniques have undergone some radical changes since this book was published. Nevertheless, this book teaches the critical foundation skills and strategies that every beginning kayaker must learn. There are good sections on achieving stability, combat rolls, bow-surfing, aerial maneuvers, hole playing, hole escapes, hands paddling and river etiquette. |
Although the book is somewhat dated it remains an excellent training resource for the beginning kayakers. After mastering the beginning techniques in this book the aspiring playboater will need to transition to a more modern book to learn the intermediate and advanced playboating techniques that can be done when paddling the newer kayak designs. (**** - my rating 4 stars out of 5)
More about: Reviews - Books, Videos, & Websites for Whitewater River Kayaking.
Tags: whitewater, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: book
Construction begins at Folsom Dam for improved flood control in Sacramento California
American River floodplain puts City of Sacramento and the economy of California at great risk
When completed in 2015 "the spillway will achieve 1-in-200-year protection, or the ability to survive a flood with a half-percent chance of striking in any given year." (Flood control project starts - sacbee 26dec2007)Until the Folsom Dam and downstream levee upgrades are completed Sacramento will remain the U.S. city with the lowest level of protection against flooding. Lets hope that our luck remains good until this construction is completed.
For more information:
* American River Watershed Project - US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District.
* Folsom Dam Modification Project - US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District.
* Levee Repair - CA Dept Water Resources.
* Folsom Dam Directory.
* Flood Protection Sacramento CA and River Conservation California.
* Sacramento CA Flood Control, Protection, Prevention & Safety Directory.
Tags: river conservation, river, flooding, flood protection, dam, levee.
Labels: conservation
Water supply crisis in the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta, California
Conservation, recycling and underground water storage are the best solutions.
Letter sent via web form - email on 26dec2007
To: Lois Wolk - California State Assemblymember - 8th Assembly District.
In your brief TV appearances on Comcast you express strong support for protecting The Delta. What policies do you support to achieve that objective?
Our policy should be to invest in water use efficiency for the future in California.
I support water conservation, water recycling and water storage by recharging underground aquifers as the solutions to restore The Delta and to solve the water supply crisis in California. It would be foolish to bankrupt our state and to destroy northern California & The Delta by building new dams and canals to move more water to southern California. Many of the urgent problems in The Delta will be solved by simply sending LESS water to southern California!!Stop the selenium irrigation waste disaster in the Westlands Water District.
Continuing to irrigate the selenium-poisoned toxic soils of the Westlands Water District in southern California is an absurd waste of our precious fresh water resources and an environmental disaster that should no longer be permitted. Twenty years after the disaster at Kesterson Reservoir there is still no solution to the selenium wastes that are produced by irrigating these poisoned lands, so these farms in Westlands Water District are now serving as their own local toxic waste dumps. Once we stop irrigating this poisoned wasteland and the farms of Westlands are retired from agricultural production suddenly there will be no more water supply problem and no need to destroy The Delta to pump more water to southern California. California should acknowledge that it was a terrible mistake to permit irrigation to begin in this area. I agree with the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility that we should buy out the farms in the Westlands Water District and finally put an end to this environmental disaster.* Kesterson Reservoir - Wikipedia.
* Massive California Water Reclamation Scheme Full of Holes - Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility 30aug2007.
* Feinstein Turns to Drainage - Fresno Bee 12june2007.
All treated wastewater and storm water runoff in California must be recycled.
Coastal and southern Califonia cities must make more efficient use of the freshwater resources that they already get. Every drop of treated wastewater and storm water runoff must be captured and recycled in some way. Building more dams and canals in northern California will only encourage the present wasteful & inefficient water usage in southern California to continue. Instead California should invest more money in building the water efficient systems of the future. It is crazy to let southern and coastal California cities continue dumping fresh water into the ocean while demanding more freshwater resources from northern California.* California has enough water - Los Angeles Times 23oct2007.
* Sewer Water to Drinking Water For Orange County, CA - watersecretsblog 29nov2007.
* Groundwater Replenishment System, Orange County, CA.
Agriculture must use California's water resources more efficiently.
Agriculture uses 80% of the water in California so farmers must become a big part of the solution to our water supply problems. Currently we subsidize our agriculture by providing farms with water at costs far below the rates that cities pay for their drinking and industrial water supplies. This provides the economic incentive for the inefficient water use that we see on our farms today. Whenever I drive through the countryside I see wasteful dirt-lined irrigation ditches and flood-and-furrow irrigation methods that are just like the methods used by the ancient Egyptians. "Below-cost water also encourages farmers to grow water-hungry crops such as rice, cotton, and alfalfa." (Industrial Farms: Water Hogs and Subsidy Guzzlers - Natural Resources Defense Council) Only by reducing the water cost subsidy to agriculture will farmers get a new incentive to use water more efficiently. We need to make more use of the modern water conserving irrigation technologies that are already used in other arid lands throughout the world. (Irrigation drip by drip - Agricultural Research 01march1991.) We undoubtedly could grow more food with less water if we became smarter about how our precious water is used.* Thirsty crops cause water shortages and pollution - World Wildlife Fund 20july2007.
No more taxpayer subsidies for water waste - California needs a new policy of water use efficiency.
Taxpayers in California should not be asked to continue subsidizing the wasteful urban & agricultural water practices of the past. California needs to establish a policy of investing in the new water efficient technologies of the future.I like food and I like farmers!! California needs to find different ways to subsidize our agricultural crop production if necessary to ensure that most of our food production remains local. We do not want to become too dependent upon foreign sources for our food as we currently are for our energy.
For more information:
* Yolo County is becoming another battleground in the California Water Wars 23dec2007.
* Stop the peripheral canal again 19dec2007.
* Water Policy Debacle for California 12dec2007.
* Restore The Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta and Water Policy California.
* California Delta Directory - Recreation, Conservation, Water Supply & Water Policy.
• Selenium Directory - toxic waste in irrigation drainage from the western San Joaquin Valley of California (25 sites).
Tags: California Delta, dam, water, water supply, water policy.
Labels: conservation
Monday, December 24, 2007
Support National Wild and Scenic River designation for the Mokelumne River
Whitewater River Conservation, Amador County / Calaveras County, California USA.
Foothill Conservancy is leading the effort to propose National Wild & Scenic River status for the Mokelumne River. This would protect 37 miles of the North Fork and Main Mokelumne River from Salt Springs Dam to Highway 49. • Sign up now to support a Wild & Scenic Mokelumne River!) "By taking a few seconds to fill out that form, you can help ensure that the National Wild and Scenic River designation for the Mokelumne will come to pass. It's a gift that really lasts." (Endorse Wild & Scenic Mokelumne River - Amador Thoughts 23dec2007) | ![]() |
More about:
• Business Support for Mokelumne River Wild & Scenic proposal - 17oct2008.
• California Whitewater River Conservation - BRT Kayaking.
• Mokelumne River Recreation and Conservation Directory.
Tags: Mokelumne River, California, river conservation, river, whitewater, water.
Labels: conservation
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Yolo County is becoming another battleground in the California Water Wars
No more water for Westlands Water District !!
The Daily Democrat and Surf Putah have expressed concerns about the recent purchase of agricultural property in Yolo County California by the Westlands Water District from southern California. Westlands has also purchased property in northern California along the McCloud River recently. Westlands is also infamous as the source of the selenium-poisoned irrigation drainwater that caused the environmental disaster at Kesterton Reservoir in 1987. Twenty years later the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation still has no solution for the selenium toxic waste disposal problem from Westlands. "The Bureau of Reclamation is re-evaluating options for providing drainage service to the San Luis Unit of the Central Valley Project." The selenium-poisoned toxic drainwater from Westlands is no longer being collected at Kesterson Reservoir, so presumably the farms are hiding their toxic waste in a multitude of smaller local toxic waste dumps. If Westlands has money available to buy up properties all over California perhaps they should be using that money instead to clean up the toxic waste disaster that they are creating with their selenium-poisoned toxic drainwater.A better water policy - NO water whatsoever for Westlands Water District ??
"It would be far more effective and ten times less expensive to retire the land and shut off the irrigation pumps." (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) I agree with PEER that all irrigation should cease in the Westlands district. This has many potential benefits for the water crises that California is currently facing. The clean water supply that Westlands currently turns into toxic waste should instead be made available to other users who need it, thus helping to solve California's water supply problems.Pumping massive amounts of water out of the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta and sending it south to Westlands is a major factor in the destruction of agriculture and wildlife in The Delta. Ceasing the water deliveries to Westlands will immediately solve many of the problems of The Delta.
It would be insane to bankrupt our state building dams and canals all over northern California to feed the insatiable water demands of Westlands. Why should northern California and The Delta be destroyed to satisfy the water demands of a few rich, powerful farmers in southern California?
It was foolish to ever begin irrigation on the selenium-tainted soils of Westlands. Instead of wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on building unnecessary dam and canal projects lets buy out the farms of Westlands and put an end to that tragic mistake.
More about:
Contaminated valley drain water a problem yet unsolved - sfgate 19july2005.
Experts cast doubt on toxic water plan - CalCoast News 18jan2006.
Water Policy Sacramento CA and California River Conservation.
California Delta Directory - Recreation, Conservation & Water Policy. (42 websites listed).
Tags: California Delta, dam, water, water supply, water policy.
Labels: conservation
Shasta River - Yreka to Klamath Run - Kayaking & Rafting Guide
Whitewater River Paddleboating Guide & Maps - Siskiyou County, California USA.
Recent Flows on Shasta River.
River Difficulty vs. Flow Rate.
class . . flow (cfs)III . . . ????
Description - Shasta River - Yreka to Klamath Run.
Driving north on Interstate 5 I've gotten glimpses of a deep canyon just north of Yreka, but I've always continued driving north to kayak on other rivers. Now that I know a little more about the Shasta River I'm interested to try kayaking on this whitewater. This is a rainy season winter run. (Siskiyou County, California, USA)Driving Directions, Distance, Estimated Time & Road Conditions.
Mapquest provides directions, distance & time from your house to the river.* From Davis, CA to Yreka, CA - driving time 3 hours 48 minutes.
California Road Conditions (Delays or closures due to weather, construction, etc.)
* California Travel Information -
* Road Conditions - California Dept Transportation.
Topographic River Map, Road Map & Local Business Search.
• The map below is interactive - click and drag on the map to adjust the location.• Point or DoubleClick on the red markers below to see their names.
• Use the tool on the left to zoom and pan.
• Click on the Map button for a road map, Topo button for topgraphic map.
• Click on Google logo for road map & local business search (gas, food, camping).
• Full screen topo map and coordinates of additional landmarks - see below.
• Topographic map user instructions.
Topographic River Map.
Full-Screen Topographic Map - Shasta River.Markers on the topo map show some of the landmark locations listed below (A, B, C).
Click on the markers to see the names of the landmarks that they represent.
River Landmarks - Geographic Coordinates.
Copy/paste the coordinates below into the search box at Google Maps or into the Find box at Acme Mapper.
* N 41.54106 W 122.37602, Dwinnell Dam, Lake Shastina.
* N 41.78142 W 122.59656, Hwy 263 Bridge put-in (A).
* N 41.823055 W 122.594444, CDEC gauge (B).
* N 41.83101 W 122.59433, Confluence with the Klamath River take-out (C).
* N 41.83229 W 122.66072, Tree of Heaven campground on the Klamath River.
Local weather in Yreka, California.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Shasta River Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks - Shasta River Whitewater.
• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (pg. 90)• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• I'm happy to post or link to well-written, whitewater boating trip reports from guest authors, especially if boating pictures are included. Please contact me to submit your trip report.River Recreation Links - Shasta River.
• Shasta River Directory - Recreation & Conservation. Website resources for the Shasta River watershed. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)More about:
• Use of these white guides to water river kayaking and rafting - BRT Insights.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: (Klamath River, Indian Creek, Elk Creek, Clear Creek), Scott River, Klamath River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides.
Tags: kayaking, paddle boating, river map, river, whitewater, California.
Labels: guide
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Stop the peripheral canal again
California's water supply problems need a better solution to serve the entire state, not just the water-hungry south.
"It's time to act now. The plan to build a new peripheral canal is moving fast. So fast that the Governor and his Southern California allies are looking to place a $6 billion bond to build a new peripheral canal on the ballot as soon as February, 2008." ("Restore the Delta is a grassroots campaign of residents and organizations committed to restoring the California Delta so that its waters are fishable, swimmable, drinkable, and farmable."
Reviving the peripheral canal is part of the Governor's plan to build more dams in northern California and ship more water to southern California. We need a comprehensive solution that will also protect the needs of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta residents, agriculture and wildlife. Our bankrupt state cannot afford to waste billions of dollars just to serve the south while hurting the northern parts of California. Both of the websites referenced above provide email newsletters for those of us who want to stay informed on these issues.
More about: Water Policy and California River Conservation.
California Delta Directory - Conservation, Recreation & Water Policy. (42 sites).
Tags: California Delta, dam, water, water supply, water policy.
Labels: conservation
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Water Policy Debacle for California
Don't build dams that we don't need and cannot afford
The "California Chamber of Commerce filed four initiatives that could lead to a November bond measure of $10 billion or more for dams and other projects." (California on course for another water debacle - sacbee 07dec2007.)"The move sets up a potential ballot-box showdown between competing solutions to the state's water woes – a Republican-backed plan that places an emphasis on dams and a Democratic proposal that focuses on groundwater storage and conservation." (Businesses float water bond plan - sacbee 06dec2007.)
The high costs and low benefits of dams and surface water storage have been illustrated by Rex Babin. (Surface storage - sacbee 06dec2007.)
State Senator Perata's competing water initiatives are focused on conservation, recycling and underground storage of water. (Water Proposals - Senator Don Perata.) Perata's plan is clearly the most cost-effective and the one that would yield the most rapid improvements in our present water supply problems.
California has enough water supplies if we stop wasting them.
"California has enough water to meet its needs today and tomorrow without new dams, peripheral canals or catastrophic costs." (California has enough water - Los Angeles Times 23oct2007.) This article describes how we can better manage California's water supply resources via conservation, storing groundwater more efficiently, reusing nearly all of our wastewater, stop throwing away storm water, and cutting agricultural water waste.Orange County in southern California has recently completed a massive water recycling project (Sewer Water to Drinking Water For Orange County, CA - watersecretsblog 29nov2007.), the Groundwater Replenishment System. Instead of ruining northern California and the Delta to send even more fresh water to southern California we should be improving our water supplies by investing in more water recycling projects of this type.
Don't Raise My Taxes to Build More Dumb Dams in California
"Some legislators have demanded that billions of public dollars be granted to specific dam projects, even though those projects clearly lack public benefit. .... Apparently, the pro-dam contingent is concerned that their favorite dam will not fare well against cost-effective water management strategies or public oversight of state funding." (Billion in Bonds for Dumb Dams - California Progress Report 08dec2007.)"Tentative information provided by state agencies indicates that the actual water yield of the three dam projects proposed in the latest version of the Governor's water bond (Sites, Temperance Flat, Enlarged Los Vaqueros) produce only about a third of the water at about 13 times the cost that could be produced by increased investments in water conservation." (Dam Facts, Dam Lies, and Statistics - Steve Evans 21nov2007.) This article also refutes the many big lies that the dam-proponents are telling in their desperate attempts to fool voters into approving the funds for construction of these foolish dam projects.
More about: Water Policy Sacramento CA and California River Conservation.
Tags: dam, water, water supply, water policy.
Labels: conservation
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River may be removed
Water policy must balance the needs of agriculture, fishermen and wildlife
"Farmers, fishermen, Native Americans and environmentalists could be near a breakthrough on talks about removing four Klamath River dams to restore salmon runs and water health" (Negotiating the Klamath - OregonLive 09dec2007.)Relicensing of 4 dams on the Klamath River has created a great opportunity to eliminate these dams. The costs of installing the fish ladders that these dams would need to restore habitat for salmon exceed the value of the dams.
JC Boyle Dam, Oregon (N 42.12263 W 122.04823)
Copco Dam no. 1, California (N 41.97946 W 122.33465)
Copco Dam no. 2, California (N 41.97899 W 122.34016)
Iron Gate Dam, California (N 41.93451 W 122.43572)
Copy/paste these coordinates into the Find box at ACME Mapper or into the search box at Google Maps to see the map locations of these dams.
For more information:
Let science guide Klamath dam removal, professors say - OregonLive 09dec2007.
Fish benefit of a Klamath pact questioned - sacbee 09dec2007.
No better option than removing dams in Klamath - Hydropower Reform Coalition dec2007.
Report says Klamath fish need more water - uswaternews dec2007.
Klamath dam report raises hope of removals - sacbee 17nov2007.
Relicensing of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project - 16nov2007.
California commission recommends ripping out Klamath Dams - Seattle Times 29oct2007.
Take down the Klamath River dams - sfgate 06feb2007.
Klamath River Directory - Siskiyou, Humboldt & Del Norte Counties in California, Klamath County in Oregon. Environment, fishing, agriculture, news and recreation (39 sites).
Water Policy and California River Conservation - BRT Insights.
Tags: dam, water, water supply, water policy.
Labels: conservation
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Stony Creek Lower Runs
Whitewater River Guide & Maps - California.
Recent Flows on Stony Creek.
Stony Ck Rainbow Diversion dam (RBW station info) (flow data).
BLACK BUTTE Reservoir Inflow (BLB station info) (flow data).
River Difficulty vs. Flow Rate.
class . . . flow (cfs)II . . . . . ????
Description - Stony Creek Lower Runs.
There are 2 class II runs on the lower sections of Stony Creek (Tehama County & Glenn County, California, USA).Driving Directions, Distance, Estimated Time & Road Conditions.
Mapquest provides directions, distance & time from your house to the river.* From Davis, CA to Stonyford, CA - driving time 1 hour 33 minutes.
California Road Conditions (Delays or closures due to weather, construction, etc.)
* California Travel Information -
* Road Conditions - California Dept Transportation.
Topographic River Map, Road Map & Local Business Search.
• The map below is interactive - click and drag on the map to adjust the location.• Point or DoubleClick on the red markers below to see their names.
• Use the tool on the left to zoom and pan.
• Click on the Map button for a road map, Topo button for topgraphic map.
• Click on Google logo for road map & local business search (gas, food, camping).
• Full screen topo map and coordinates of additional landmarks - see below.
• Topographic map user instructions.
Topographic River Map.
Full-Screen Topographic Map - Stony Creek Lower Runs.River Landmarks - Geographic Coordinates.
Copy/paste the coordinates below into the search box at Google Maps or into the Find box at Acme Mapper.
* N 39.3710 W 122.6050, Rainbow Diversion Dam upstream from Stonyford, gauge (A).
* N 39.38215 W 122.55146, Rd 306 Bridge put-in (B).
* N 39.43497 W 122.50297, Rd 303 Bridge, take-out (C).
* N 39.61144 W 122.52940 - Hwy 162 bridge put-in (D)
* N 39.67899 W 122.53017 - Hwy 306 bridge over Grindstone Ck put-in (E)
* N 39.73993 W 122.40555 - Inflow to Black Butte Reservoir take-out (F).
Local weather in Stonyford, California.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Stony Creek Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks - Stony Creek white water.
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 178-179)• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (pg. 195)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• I'm happy to post or link to well-written, whitewater boating trip reports from guest authors, especially if boating pictures are included. Please contact me to submit your trip report.River Recreation Links - Stony Creek.
• Stony Creek Recreation & Conservation Directory. Website resources for the Stony Creek watershed. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)More about:
• Use of these white guides to water river kayaking and rafting - BRT Insights.
• Kayaking guide for Stony Creek & Grindstone Creek class IV runs.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Thomes Creek, Cache Creek, Sacramento River Valley Region.
• Whitewater River Guides for California.
Tags: Stony Creek, kayaking, paddle boating, river map, river, California, whitewater.
Labels: guide