Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Auburn Ravine Restoration - Creek Habitat for Salmon & Steelhead Spawning (Sutter County & Placer County, California, USA).
Restoration of this Sacramento River tributary creek is vital for preservation of our salmon & steelhead fisheries.
"National Marine Fisheries Service has issued a wake-up call on the dangers facing the Central Valley's salmon ... it found that the ways the state and federal water projects operate threaten the survival of endangered chinook salmon and steelhead, and it required that they change their policies. The changes the agency envisions include finding ways to get the fish around the dams and other barriers that currently stop them as they migrate upstream to spawn." (It's not only fish vs. people - Sacramento Bee 29june2009.)The National Marine Fisheries Service is working towards "restoration of winter- and spring-run salmon above Shasta Dam on the Sacramento River, and steelhead above Folsom Dam on the American River. Combined, the fish transit order is considered the biggest of its kind in U.S. history. Making it happen presents huge financial and engineering challenges. Costs could exceed $1 billion at a minimum – more than 10 times the original construction cost of both dams." "Other experts argue there are cheaper ways to rescue the salmon populations. Among them is the volunteer group Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead. It has worked quietly over the past year to remove small obstructions on Auburn Ravine, a little-known tributary of the Sacramento River." (Restoring fisheries above Folsom, Shasta dams faces high hurdles - Sacramento Bee 22june2009.)
Restoration of spawning habitat in creeks may be the most cost-effective method for preservation of California's valuable salmon fisheries.
SARSAS (Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, whose goal is to work collaboratively & cooperatively to modify the twelve man-made barriers & six plus beaver dams on the Auburn Ravine making the creek passable for fish. Their mission is to restore salmon & steelhead spawning habitat along the entire length of Auburn Ravine Creek. See the Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead blog for news about their work.Map of Auburn Ravine - tributary creek of the Sacramento River.
Auburn Ravine originates south-west of Auburn, CA (A)Crosses Hwy 65 in Lincoln, CA (B)
Joins the Sacramento River at Joe's Landing. (C)
DoubleClick or point on the red markers (A, B, etc.) to see their names.
Click on the Topo button and zoom in on the map to see where Auburn Ravine flows.
• Instructions for online interactive topographic river maps & road maps.
• Full-Screen River Map - landmarks on Auburn Ravine.
Additional information:
• Salmon Recovery Planning - National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest Regional Office.
• Dam Removal and Salmon Restoration on Battle Creek, California - BRT Insights.
• California River Conservation & Water Policy - BRT Insights.
• Auburn Ravine Creek Directory - Conservation & Restoration. Websites for Auburn Ravine watershed. (Sort alphabetically. dates=news-articles, 3=environment-organizations, 6=local-websites)
Tags: Auburn Ravine, river conservation, environment, water policy, Sacramento River, salmon.
Labels: conservation
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Redwood Creek - California Paddle Boating Overview.
Rafting, River-tubing, Canoeing & Kayaking Guide - Humboldt County California, USA.
Paddleboating Runs on Redwood Creek - put-in locations.
A. Hwy 299 to Bair Rd Run. (5 miles, class II).
N 40.90273 W 123.80935, Hwy 299 put-in (A)
N 40.96392 W 123.84049, Bair Road take-out.
B. Bair Rd to Lacks Creek Run. (10 miles, class I-II).
N 40.96392 W 123.84049, Bair Road put-in (B)
N 41.04868 W 123.87269, Stover Creek alternate take-out ?
N 41.06046 W 123.87274, Lacks Creek
private property - take-out requires permission.
C. Lacks Creek to Orick Run. (25 miles, class IVp)
N 41.04868 W 123.87269, Stover Creek alternate put-in ?
N 41.06046 W 123.87274, Lacks Creek put-in (C)
private property - put-in requires permission.
N 41.20812 W 124.01123, Hwy101 bridge, Orick, CA take-out.
D. Big Trees to Orick Run. (8 miles, class I)
N 41.20812 W 124.01123, Big Trees Grove put-in (D)
N 41.28829 W 124.05871, Hwy101 bridge, Orick, CA take-out (E)
Paddle boaters map for Redwood Creek.
• Instructions for interactive online road maps & topographic river maps.• See below for full-screen road maps & topographic maps.
Full-Screen River Map - landmarks on the Redwood Creek.
DoubleClick or point on the red markers to see the names of landmarks displayed on the map above (A, B, etc.).
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Redwood Creek Directory - Canoeing, Kayaking & Rafting Paddlesports. (Display options alphabetical 100. See section 1.)Printed Guide Books & Maps for Redwood Creek Paddle Boating.
• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg. 189-193)• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 122-123)
• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (pg. 121-125)
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 31-32)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Paddleboating reports for Redwood Creek NEEDED !!
• Please send your trip reports from Redwood Creek canoeing & kayaking trips. Stories, pictures & videos from whitewater boating trips will be linked here.Recreation Outdoors in Redwood Creek Canyon.
• Redwood Creek Valley Directory - Conservation & Recreation. Websites for the Redwood Creek Watershed. (Display options alphabetical 100. Section 1=kayaking-canoeing, 2=rafting-oarboating, 3=conservation-environment, 4=fishing-driftboating, 5=camping-hiking, 6=other-websites)More California River Information:
• Nearby streams: Mad River, Eel River, North Coast Rivers Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for Kayaking, River-tubing, Canoeing & Rafting.
• Using these whitewater river paddleboating guides - BRT Kayaking.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, river map.
Tags: Redwood Creek, rafting, kayaking, canoeing, California, paddle boating, paddlesports, river.
Labels: guide
Friday, June 19, 2009
Noyo River - California Paddleboating Overview.
Canoeing & Kayaking Guide - Mendocino County California, USA.
Paddle Boating Runs on Noyo River - put-in location.
1. Noyo River Run. (20 miles, class II-III).
N 39.42092 W 123.55170, Northspur put-in (A).
N 39.43503 W 123.70640, Ranch train stop (12 mile take-out)
N 39.43354 W 123.78734, Fort Bragg alternate take-out (B).
2. Noyo Estuary Run. (4 miles round trip, class I)
N 39.42573 W 123.80229, Fort Bragg harbor put-in & take-out (C)
Time your trip with the ebb & flow of tides to explore farther upstream.
Tide Location Selection for California.
Noyo River map for paddle boaters.
• Instructions for interactive online road maps & topographic river maps.• See below for full-screen road maps & topographic maps.
Full-Screen River Map - landmarks on the Noyo River.
DoubleClick or point on the red markers to see the names of landmarks displayed on the map above (A, B, etc.).
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Noyo River Directory - Canoeing, Kayaking & Rafting Paddlesports. (Display options alphabetical 100. See section 1.)Printed Guide Books & Maps for Noyo River Paddle Boating.
• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg. 262)• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 92-93, Noyo River & Noyo Estuary Runs)
• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (pg. 162-163)
• Down the Wild Rivers- A Guide to the Streams of California, 1972. (pg.197-199)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Paddleboating reports for Noyo River NEEDED !!
• Please send your trip reports from Noyo River canoeing & kayaking trips. Stories, pictures & videos from whitewater boating trips will be linked here.• Bike Hike Kayak Big River Noyo River - mkeinhorn 04july2008.
Outdoor Adventure Activities in our River Canyons.
• Noyo River Valley Directory - Conservation & Recreation. Websites for the Noyo River Watershed. (Display options alphabetical 100. Section 1=kayaking-canoeing, 2=rafting-oarboating, 3=conservation-environment, 4=fishing-driftboating, 5=camping-hiking, 6=other-websites)More River Information for California:
• Mattole River, Big River, Albion River.
• North Coast California River Guides for Paddleboating.
• California Whitewater River Guides for Kayaking, Canoeing, River-tubing & Rafting.
• What to expect from these whitewater river kayaking and rafting guides - BRT Insights.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, river map.
Tags: Noyo River, kayaking, canoeing, California, paddle boating, paddlesports, river.
Labels: guide
Monday, June 15, 2009
Coastal Rivers of Northern California - Paddle Boating Overview.
Rafting, Kayaking, River-tubing & Canoeing Guide - Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino & Sonoma Counties, California, USA.
Calm water paddle boating is available in the estuaries and near upstream sections. Tidal influences can extend surprisingly far inland, so calm water paddling on some rivers can continue long after the rain-fed flows of spring have diminished. Farther inland many of the larger rivers provide whitewater boating opportunities during the winter & spring rainy seasons.North Coast CA Rivers Listed north to south:
A. Smith River Wild and Scenic, Del Norte County, whitewater.B. Klamath River Wild and Scenic, Del Norte County, whitewater.
C. Redwood Creek, Humboldt County, whitewater.
D. Mad River, Humboldt County, whitewater.
E. Eel River Wild and Scenic, Humboldt County, whitewater.
F. Bear River, Humboldt County, class I+, 7 miles. (See river map below.)
N 39.30286 W 123.78545 - Put-in.
N 40.47578 W 124.38871 - Take-out.
West Coast River Touring book, 1974. (pg. 160)
G. Mattole River, Humboldt County, whitewater.
H. Noyo River, Mendocino County, whitewater.
I. Big River, Mendocino County, class II+, 29 miles. (See river map below.)
N 39.23119 W 123.36720 - Orrs Springs Put-in.
N 39.30163 W 123.54881 - Confluence NF/SF Big River
N 39.31504 W 123.70588 - Little NF Big River, Mendocino Woodlands Take-out.
class I, 11 miles. (See river map below.)
N 39.31504 W 123.70588 - Little NF Big River, Mendocino Woodlands Put-in.
N 39.30229 W 123.79128 - Hwy 1 Bridge Take-out.
West Coast River Touring book, 1974. (pg. 164-6)
Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of CA book, 2000. (pg. 90-91)
J. Albion River Wild and Scenic, Mendocino County, whitewater.
K. Navarro River, Mendocino County, whitewater.
L. Garcia River, Mendocino County, class I+, 18 miles. (See river map below.)
N 38.86217 W 123.56855 - Voorhees Park Put-in.
N 38.90326 W 123.60786 - Eureka Hill Rd Bridge
N 38.94479 W 123.70108 - Hwy 1 Bridge Take-out.
Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of CA book, 2000. (pg. 84-85)
M. Gualala River Wild and Scenic, Sonoma County, whitewater.
N. Russian River, Sonoma County, whitewater.
O. Kayak Surfing on the California Coast - Ocean surf kayak playboating guide.
North Coast California river map for paddleboaters.
• Instructions for online interactive topographic river maps & road maps.• Full-screen road maps & topographic maps - see below.
Full-Screen River Map - landmarks on the north coast California rivers & creeks.
To see the names of landmarks displayed above (A, B, etc.) - DoubleClick or point on the red markers.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• North Coast CA Rivers Directory - Canoeing, Kayaking & Rafting.(Click on All Tags, click on a river. Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed River Guides & Maps for Paddleboating.
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (Smith River, Klamath River, Redwood Creek, Mad River, Eel River, Mattole River, Noyo River, Big River, Albion River, Navarro River, Garcia River, Gualala River, Russian River)• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike, 2001. (Eel River, Big River, Albion River, Navarro River)
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (Smith River, Klamath River, Redwood Creek, Mad River, Eel River, Russian River)
• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (Smith River, Klamath River, Redwood Creek, Mad River, Eel River, Mattole River, Noyo River, Big River, Garcia River, Russian River)
• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (Smith River, Klamath River, Redwood Creek, Mad River, Eel River, Bear River, Mattole River, Noyo River, Big River, Navarro River, Garcia River, Gualala River, Russian River)
• Down the Wild Rivers- A Guide to the Streams of California, 1972. (Klamath River, Mad River, Eel River, Mattole River, Noyo River, Big River, Navarro River, Russian River)
• Western Whitewater From the Rockies to the Pacific, 1994. (Smith River, Klamath River, Eel River)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
North Coast California paddleboating reports NEEDED !!
Please send your trip reports from kayaking trips on coastal creeks & rivers. Stories, pictures & videos from boating trips will be linked here.Big River.
• Big River canoeing video - mybluehouse 14sept2008.
• Big River video - hammydon65 28april2008.
• Bike Hike Kayak Big River Noyo River - mkeinhorn 04july2008.
• kayaking big river video - studiodeb 19july2006.
Outdoor Activities in North Coast California River Canyons.
• California River Watershed Directory - Conservation & Recreation.* Smith River, Klamath River, Redwood Creek, Mad River, Eel River, Mattole River, Noyo River, Big River, Albion River, Navarro River, Gualala River, Russian River.
Websites for recreation in California river canyons. (Click on the desired river. Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=kayaking, 2=rafting, 3=environment-conservation, 4=fishing, 5=hiking-camping, 6=more-information)
More Information on California Rivers & Creeks:
• California Whitewater River Guides for Kayaking, River-tubing, Canoeing & Rafting.
• Some of our outstanding rivers have been protected:
* USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.
* California State Wild and Scenic Rivers Program.
• What to expect from these whitewater river kayaking and rafting guides - BRT Insights.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, river map.
Tags: California, river, paddlesports, rafting, canoeing, paddle boating, kayaking, wild and scenic.
Labels: guide
Friday, June 12, 2009
Navarro River - California River Paddleboating Overview.
Canoeing, River-tubing, Rafting & Kayaking Guide - Mendocino County California, USA.
Real-time Flow - Navarro River.
See gauge location on map below (E).Paddleboating Runs on Navarro River - put-in location.
Rancheria Creek tributary of the Navarro River.
A. Rancheria Creek Fish Rock Road Run. (10 miles, class II+).
N 38.91914 W 123.29063, Hwy 128 junction Fish Rock Rd, put-in (A).
N 38.99397 W 123.43466, Mountain View Road take-out (B).
B. Rancheria Creek Mountain View Road Run. (12 miles, class II+).
N 38.99397 W 123.43466, Mountain View Road put-in (B).
N 39.08592 W 123.48457, Hendy Woods St Pk take-out (C).
Navarro River.
C. Navarro River Greenwood-Philo Road to Dimmick Park Run (12 miles, class I+).
N 39.08592 W 123.48457, Hendy Woods St Pk put-in (C).
N 39.15752 W 123.63855, Dimmick Memorial Grove St Pk take-out (D).
D. Navarro River Dimmick St Pk to Iron Bridge Run (4 miles, class I).
N 39.15752 W 123.63855, Dimmick Memorial Grove St Pk put-in (D).
N 39.17083 W 123.66619, Gaging Station (E).
N 39.17957 W 123.69628, Navarro River Redwoods SP - Iron Bridge (F).
E. Navarro River Iron Bridge to Hwy 1 Run (4 miles, class I, can be paddled all summer).
N 39.17957 W 123.69628, Navarro River Redwoods SP - Iron Bridge put-in (F).
N 39.19668 W 123.74768, Hwy 1 take-out (G).
Beware the ebb & flow of tides when boating this section of the Navarro River.
Tide Location Selection for California.
Navarro River map for paddle boaters.
• Instructions for online interactive topographic river maps & road maps.• Full-screen road maps & topographic maps - see below.
Full-Screen River Map - landmarks on the Navarro River.
To see the names of landmarks displayed above (A, B, etc.) - DoubleClick or point on the red markers.
Street Views of the Navarro River.
Greenwood-Philo Road bridge at Hendy Woods St Pk (C).View Larger Map
Hwy 1 bridge over the Navarro River (G).
View Larger Map
See instructions for using Street View.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Navarro River Kayaking, Tubing, Rafting & Canoeing Paddlesports Directory.(Click on All Tags, click on a river. Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guides for Navarro River Paddle Boating.
• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 58-63)• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 86-89)
• West Coast River Touring - Rogue River Canyon and South, 1974. (pg. 166-168)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Navarro River paddleboating reports NEEDED !!
• Please send your trip reports from Navarro River canoeing & kayaking trips. Stories, pictures & videos from boating trips will be linked here.• Navarro River by canoe video - mybluehouse 13sept2008.
• See trips & photos from Rancheria Creek (Navarro River tributary).
Outdoor Activities in the Navarro River Canyon.
• Navarro River Valley Directory - Conservation & Recreation. Websites for the Navarro River Watershed. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=kayaking-canoeing, 2=rafting-oarboating, 3=conservation-environment, 4=fishing-driftboating, 5=camping-hiking, 6=other-websites)More River Information for California:
• Nearby streams: Albion River, Rancheria Creek.
• North Coast California River Guides for Paddleboating.
• California Whitewater River Guides for Kayaking, Tubing, Canoeing & Rafting.
• What to expect from these whitewater river kayaking and rafting guides - BRT Insights.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, river map.
Tags: Navarro River, California, paddle boating, paddlesports, kayaking, canoeing, river.
Labels: guide
Monday, June 08, 2009
Sespe Creek Wild & Scenic - Whitewater River Kayaking Overview.
Rafting, Kayaking, River-tubing & Canoeing Guide - Ventura County, California, USA.
Whitewater boating on Sespe Creek - put-in locations.
A. Sespe Creek Beaver Camp to Lion Camp Run (class III+, 6.2 mi.)Beaver Camp - N 34.55634 W 119.24492 (A)
Lion Camp - N 34.56312 W 119.16458
B. Sespe Creek Lion Camp to Fillmore Run (32 miles, class Vp)
Lion Camp - N 34.56312 W 119.16458 (B)
Van Trees Rd - N 34.45505 W 118.93044 (C)
Fillmore - N 34.39388 W 118.94142
C. Sespe Creek Van Trees Rd to Fillmore Run (~5 miles, class ???)
Van Trees Rd - N 34.45505 W 118.93044 (C)
Is there a river access at or near Van Trees Rd?
Fillmore - N 34.39388 W 118.94142
There are many miles of Sespe Creek upstream from Beaver Camp with good road access. Does anybody know anything about boating opportunites in this area? Does it get enough flow to float your boat very often? What class is the water?
Paddleboaters map for Sespe Creek.
• Instructions for online interactive topographic river maps & road maps.• Full-screen road maps & topographic maps - see below.
Full-Screen River Map - Sespe Creek landmarks.
To see the names of landmarks displayed above (A, B, etc.) - DoubleClick or point on the red markers.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Sespe Creek Canoeing, Tubing & Kayaking Paddlesports Directory.(Click on All Tags, click on a river. Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guides for Sespe Creek Whitewater Boating.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg. 311, Lion Camp to Fillmore Run)• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Sespe Creek paddleboating reports NEEDED !!
• Please send your trip reports from Sespe Creek kayaking trips. Stories, pictures & videos from boating trips will be linked here.• Sespe Creek - Kim and Geoff march2008.
• Kinetic in Stasis: Sespe Creek 18feb2008.
• Sespe Creek, Fillmore, CA, Feb 2001 video by Dave.
• Sespe Creek -Preston Holmes 30may1998.
• SespeCreek - Somewhere Out There mar1995.
• Sespe Creek trip report - ptone.com.
Outdoor Activities in our Wild and Scenic River Canyons.
• Sespe Creek Canyon Directory - Conservation & Recreation. Websites for the Sespe Creek Watershed. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=kayaking, 3=conservation-environment, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=other-websites)More California River information:
• Nearby streams: Santa Clara River, Piru Creek, Central & South Coast Rivers Region.
• Sespe Creek - USA National Wild and Scenic Rivers Program 27mar2009.
• California River Guides for Whitewater Kayaking, Tubing, Canoeing & Rafting.
• What to expect from these whitewater river kayaking and rafting guides - BRT Insights.
IceRocket Tags: kayaking, socal, Southern California, river map.
Tags: Sespe Creek, wild and scenic, California, paddlesports, paddle boating, kayaking, river, rafting, canoeing.
Labels: guide
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The American River: North, Middle & South Forks, 1989 - book review.
Hiking, whitewater kayaking, rafting & canoeing, history & ecology of NF, MF & SF American River, Placer County & El Dorado County, California USA.The American River: North, Middle & South Forks |
The American River canyon provides a multitude of outdoor recreation activities to enjoy. For those who like to hike this book provides maps and descriptions of 34 trails along the NF and MF American River. The three forks of the American River include many miles of whitewater rapids that are excellent for paddleboating. The book describes whitewater on NF American River including the Chamberlain Falls Run, Shirttail Run, Lake Clementine, and down to the confluence with the MF American River. In the MF American River the book describes the Tunnel Chute Run and the class II section all the way to the confluence. On SF American River there are descriptions of the sections from the Chili Bar Run to Salmon Falls Bridge.
The human history of the American River is described from the Native Americans through the Gold Rush period.
The ecology of local plants, birds and fishes in the American River watershed is well described and nicely illustrated.
Published in 1989, this book was written by some of the activists fighting against the recently rejected Auburn Dam proposal. Lets celebrate their work towards preservation of the American River canyon.
I rate this book as great, a remarkable book about a remarkable river (**** 4 stars out of 5).
More about:
• American River Guide for Whitewater Paddleboating - BRT Insights.
• Book reviews for whitewater river rafting, canoeing & kayaking - BRT Insights.
Tags: American River, paddlesports, canoeing, rafting, kayaking, paddle boating, whitewater, California, river.
Labels: book