Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yuba River, California - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Sierra County & Nevada County, California.
Whitewater Runs on Yuba River - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).A. Yuba River NF Sierra City Run (class IV+).
B. Yuba River NF Moss Canyon Run (class IV+).
C. Lavezzola Creek Run (IVp).
D. Pauley Creek Run (IVp).
E. Yuba River NF Goodyear's Bar Run (class IV).
F. Yuba River NF Hwy49 to Bullards Bar (class III).
- need to set up motor boat for tow out on the reservoir.
G. Yuba River MF Our House Dam Run (class IV).
H. Yuba River SF Washington Run (class IVp).
I. Yuba River SF E to P Run (class IV).
J. Yuba River Englebright to Hwy20 (class III).
K. Yuba River Parks Bar Run (class II).
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - Yuba River.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: Yuba River put-in locations.
Markers on the topo map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B, C, etc.).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Yuba River Directory.(Click on All Tags, click on a river, sort alphabetically - see section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks & Maps - Yuba River.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 130-148)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg.130-134)
• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 129-133)
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 184-185)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 45-59)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
Please contact me to submit reports on your Yuba River trips. I will post or link to well-written, whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided.• Wheels & Water: Pauley and Lavezzola Creek 08june2010
• South Yuba Goodness - Paddle California 02march2009.
• NF Yuba (Sierra City to Downieville, IV-V) - CA Whitewater Paddling.
• SF Yuba (Edward's to Purdon's, IV) - CA Whitewater Paddling.
• Edward's to Purdon's Run, SF Yuba River - trailrunr 21jan2006.
• Goodyear's Bar Run, NF Yuba River - trailrunr 04feb2006.
• Pauley Creek Run - trailrunr 3feb2006.
• California Whitewater Paddling: Lavezolla Creek December 30, 2005.
• California Whitewater Paddling: Pauley Creek December 29, 2005.
• Double Header - SF Yuba & NF American River - Kim and Geoff 30april2008.
• Pauley Falls on Pauley Creek - Geoff J 01july2008.
• SF Yuba River - Edward's to Purdon's - darrickh 21dec2005.
• Washington to Edward's Run SF Yuba River - daysontheriver 18march2006.
• Edward's to Purdon's Run SF Yuba River - daysontheriver 18march2006.
• NF Yuba River below Bullards Bar Reservoir - Last Descent Project 17oct2008.
• Pauley Creek - kimandgeoff 2006.
• MF Yuba River Our House Dam to Hwy49 Bridge - kimandgeoff may2005.
• Yuba River SF Edward's to Purdon's - kimandgeoff 02april2005.
• Yuba River Lower Run photos - Jonika 11nov2008.
• Lavezzola Creek - Jefferson State Creeking 29april2005.
• Pauley Creek - Jefferson State Creeking 30april2005.
• Pauley Creek 2-5-05 video - oldcore14 06feb2006.
• South Fork Yuba River, 49 to Bridgeport - daysontheriver.
• South Fork Yuba River, Edwards to Purdons Crossing - daysontheriver.
• South Fork Yuba River, Washington to Edwards - daysontheriver.
• North Fork Yuba River, Goodyear Bar - daysontheriver.
• North Fork Yuba River, Rossasco Canyon - daysontheriver.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• The SF Yuba River is protected as part of California's Wild and Scenic Rivers System.• Yuba River Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Sort by Alphabetical. 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• What to expect from these whitewater river kayaking and rafting guides - BRT Insights.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Feather River, Bear River (Nevada/Placer County), Sacramento River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: Yuba River, California, river map, whitewater, river, kayaking, paddle boating, wild and scenic.
Labels: guide
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sparks, Nevada - Whitewater Park on the Truckee River.
Kayak Freestyle Playboating Guide - Rock Park in Sparks, Nevada.
River Description.
The Sparks NV Whitewater Park (at Rock Park on the Truckee River) is scheduled to open in the summer of 2009. The whitewater experience will feature pools for kayaking, tubing and rafting for people of all ages and abilities. The banks of the Truckee River will be landscaped to provide an unobstructed view of the whitewater park and improved access to the river. Whitewater Park on the Truckee River at Rock Park - City of Sparks NV. (Washoe County, Nevada, USA)Recent River Flow Data.
Whitewater Rating vs. Flow Rate.
class . . . playboating flows (cfs)II - III . . . ???
Driving Directions, Distance, Estimated Time & Road Conditions.
Mapquest provides directions, distance & time from your house to the river.• From Davis, CA to Sparks, NV - driving time 2 hours 28 minutes.
Road Conditions - California & Nevada (Delays or closures due to weather, construction, etc.)
• California Travel Information - highwayconditions.com.
• Road Conditions - California Dept Transportation.
• Road Conditions - Nevada Department of Transportation.
• Nevada - Safe Travel USA.
Topographic River Map, Road Map & Local Business Search.
• Full screen topo map and coordinates of additional landmarks - see below.• Topographic map user instructions.
Full-Screen Topographic Map: Sparks NV Whitewater Park.
Markers on the topo map show locations of the landmarks listed below (A & B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
More River Landmarks - Geographic Coordinates.
Copy/paste the coordinates below into the search box at
Google Maps or into the Find box at Acme Mapper.
• N 39.52385 W 119.81629, Sparks NV Whitewater Park (A).
• N 39.53132 W 119.78634, USGS Gauge 10348000 (B).
Local weather in Sparks, Nevada.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Whitewater Park on the Truckee River at Rock Park - City of Sparks NV.• Truckee River Recreation & Conservation Directory.
(Click on All Tags, click on a river, sort alphabetically - see section 1.)
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• Sparks Nevada new Whitewater Park on the Truckee River - Ruth Gordon 02oct2008.• Sparks NV new Whitewater Park - Jackson Kayak News 02oct2008.
• Sparks whitewater kayak park preview - Reno-Tahoe Blog 03oct2008.
This week just downstream of the current whitewater park at Reno NV another whitewater park was completed on the Truckee River at Sparks NV. It is still not officially open. There are five whitewater features in all.
• Whitewater options improving on Truckee River in Sparks Nevada - Reno-Tahoe Blog 05aug2008. Following on the success of the Truckee River Whitewater Park in downtown Reno, the City of Sparks has broken ground – or river – on its own kayak, tubing and rafting park, adding another attraction for whitewater athletes and recreation seekers in the Reno-Sparks area of Nevada.
• I'm happy to post or link to well-written, whitewater boating trip reports from guest authors, especially if boating pictures are included. Please contact me to submit your trip report.
Whitewater River Recreation Links.
• Truckee River Directory - Recreation & Conservation. (Sort by Alphabetical. 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)More about:
• River Surfing Guide - California & Nevada Locations for Whitewater Freestyle Kayak Playboating.
• Using the white water river paddleboating guides - BRT Kayaking.
• Reno, NV Whitewater Park Guide - Truckee River.
• Truckee River Runs in NV - Whitewater River Guides, Great Basin Rivers of CA NV - Regional Overview.
• Whitewater River Guides for California & western USA.
Tags: kayaking, playboating, Nevada, river map, paddle boating, whitewater, river.
Labels: guide
Friday, October 24, 2008
American River NF & MF, California - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Placer County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on American River NF & MF - locations of put-ins.
North Fork American River.
A. American River NF Chamberlain Falls Run (IV/V).
- "higher concentration of sieve/strainer hazards" (Holbeck & Stanley)
- class IV whitewater with class V hazards.
B. American River NF Shirttail Canyon Run (II+).
C. American River NF Auburn Confluence Run (III).
Middle Fork American River.
D. American River MF Tunnel Chute Run (IVp).
E. American River MF Greenwood Bridge Run (II).
Main American River.
F. American River Lower - Parkway Run (I/II).
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - American River NF & MF.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: American River NF & MF put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map
Whitewater Guidebooks - American River NF & MF.
• Best Whitewater in California, 3rd Edition 1998. (pg 150-181)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, 3rd Edition 1995. (pg.102-125)
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 188-195)
• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 152-158, 214-220, 223-230)
• Western Whitewater From the Rockies to the Pacific, 1994. (pg. 354-366)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 68-86)
• The American River: North, Middle & South Forks, 1989.
• See online guides & flows in American River NF & MF Whitewater Directory.
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports
Please send in reports on your American River NF & MF trips. I will gladly post or link to well-written, whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided.• River tubing middle fork american video - TubeNation 13july2009
• Middle Fork American river tubing 09 video - TubeNation 13july2009
• River Tubing Middle Fork American 7 video - TubeNation 19june2009
• Middle Fork American River Tubing 6 video - TubeNation 18june2009
• Middle Fork American River 5 video - TubeNation 18june2009
• Middle Fork American River Tubing 4 video - TubeNation 18june2009
• Middle Fork American River Tubing 3 video - TubeNation 18june2009
• Middle Fork American river tubing 2 video - TubeNation 18june2009
• Middle Fork American River Tubing video - TubeNation 18june2009
• NF American Shirttail Run - California Whitewater Paddling 14mar2009.
• American River NF Confluence Run - classtwokayakers 08june2008.
• NF American, Chamberlain Falls - California Whitewater 16jan2006.
• American River NF Chamberlain Falls - California Whitewater Paddling 16jan2006.
• American River NF Chamberlain Falls - Wonkemtel 28april2007.
• High Water Rafting on NF American - blog.aorafting 04may2006.
• American River NF Chamberlain Falls - trailrunr 15jan2006.
• American River MF Tunnel Chute rafting - Homebrew and Hypalon 19june2008.
• video - kayaking Chamberlain Falls - Darrick Hilbert 15jan2006.
• Shirttail Canyon NF American River - kimandgeoff 18june2006.
• Rafting on the NF American River video - armygunsmith 05july2007.
• Rafting the MF American River with AO video - aorafting 26july2007.
• NF American River NF Generation-Giant-Chamberlain - Preston Holmes may2000.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• American River NF is protected within the USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.• American River NF & MF Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Sort by Alphabetical. 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• Using the white water river paddleboating guides - BRT Kayaking.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Bear River (Nevada/Placer County), American River SF, Sacramento River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: American River, whitewater, California, river map, wild and scenic, river, kayaking, paddle boating, rafting.
Labels: guide
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
American River SF, California - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - El Dorado County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on American River SF - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).A. American River SF Kyburz to Riverton Run (IV).
B. American River SF Riverton to Peavine Run (III+).
C. American River SF Chili Bar Run (III).
D. American River SF Coloma To Greenwood Run (II+).
E. American River SF - Barking Dog Park & Surf.
F. American River SF Gorge Run (IV).
G. American River Lower - Parkway Run (I/II).
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - American River SF.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: American River SF put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map
Whitewater Guidebooks - American River SF.
• Best Whitewater in California, 3rd Edition 1998. (pg 150-181)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, 3rd Edition 1995. (pg.102-125)
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 188-195)
• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 152-158, 226-230)
• Western Whitewater From the Rockies to the Pacific, 1994. (pg. 354-366)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 87-95)
• The American River: North, Middle & South Forks, 1989.
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
• See online guides & flows in American River SF Whitewater Directory.
Whitewater River Trip Reports
Contact me to submit reports on your American River SF trips. I will happily post or link to well-written, whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided.• South Fork American Full River Part 1 - Chili Bar video - CalKayaking 27sept2010
• Kenya's paddling in the Gorge Run - California Whitewater Paddling 03jan2009.
• Kayaking the American River Chili Bar Run - savagesnow.
• Kyburz Run, SF American River - Rambling Ruminations 23may2008.
• California Whitewater Paddling: SF American Kyburz Run July 13, 2006.
• Kyburz Run SF American River - kimandgeoff 24june2006.
• SF American River Riverton to Peavine - kimandgeoff 19june2005.
• Topo-duo on the SF American River Gorge - kimandgeoff 02july2005.
• SF American River Chili Bar - kimandgeoff 11march2005.
• Whitewater rafting the South
Fork of the American River video - ryanhiniker 12oct2007.
• Rafting the South Fork
American, Chili Bar Section with AO video - aorafting 18july2007.
• See more trip reports on guide pages for Chili Bar, C to G, and Gorge Runs.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• American River Lower is protected within the USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.• American River SF Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• Using the white water river paddleboating guides - BRT Kayaking.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: American River NF/MF, Cosumnes River, Sacramento River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: American River, whitewater, California, river map, wild and scenic, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: guide
Sunday, October 19, 2008
C to G Run, SF American River, whitewater kayaking California class II+, 18oct2008.
JoelH, BruceH, GabrielleM, KevinS, Sonya, Alex & I drove up to Coloma and put-in on C to G Run SF American River (map & guide) (El Dorado County, California, USA).
We did lots of warmup and training on the rapids leading down to Gremlin Wave-Hole and got all of the trainees squared away to survive & enjoy the rest of the day. We did lots of surfing and no swimming at Gremlin. There was an epic battle at Old Scarey Rapid, multiple roll attempts just barely short of successful, then a swim, but ending up with loads of credit for true grit and determination. We had lunch on the beach at Henningson Park.
KevinS making the entry to Old Scarey Rapid.
Playboating on the little wave upstream from Camp Lotus was great as always. Everybody tried, but results were highly variable. No matter how tiny it looks it takes some skill to get a good ride on this one!
Sonya playboating upstream from Camp Lotus.
Alex at the playboating spot upstream from Camp Lotus.
• More BRT kayaking pictures.
• Sonya's kayaking pictures & videos.
We stopped & enjoyed the playboating exhibition in progress at Barking Dog Wave-Hole. By the time we left there the flow was dropping. We had two minor upsets above Current Divider Rapid, but got it back together and ran the rapid OK. Then we cruised on out on Highway Rapid and Swimmer's Rapid.
BruceT just chillin' upstream from Highway Rapid (photo by Sonya).
We stopped for pizza & a beer at Yosum's in Coloma. It was just warm enough to enjoy sitting outside on the patio. But it got dark awful early, so sooner or later we are going to have to admit that summer is over.
Lots of awards are needed in recognition of such a stellar day of kayaking!! The King Salmon Award for frequent swimming was hotly contested, but by the end of the day the winner was clear. The Busy Baker Award was given for making the most rolls (attempts & successes). An Honorary Degree in Geology was awarded for studying the rocks up close and personal so often throughout the day. And Honorable Mention for members of our group who very briefly entered the playboating contest at Barking Dog Rapid - better luck next time!
More about:
• Trip Reports - Kayaking Whitewater Rivers in California.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers and other paddle-boaters.
Tags: kayaking, river, whitewater, paddle boating, playboating, California.
We did lots of warmup and training on the rapids leading down to Gremlin Wave-Hole and got all of the trainees squared away to survive & enjoy the rest of the day. We did lots of surfing and no swimming at Gremlin. There was an epic battle at Old Scarey Rapid, multiple roll attempts just barely short of successful, then a swim, but ending up with loads of credit for true grit and determination. We had lunch on the beach at Henningson Park.

Playboating on the little wave upstream from Camp Lotus was great as always. Everybody tried, but results were highly variable. No matter how tiny it looks it takes some skill to get a good ride on this one!

• More BRT kayaking pictures.
• Sonya's kayaking pictures & videos.
We stopped & enjoyed the playboating exhibition in progress at Barking Dog Wave-Hole. By the time we left there the flow was dropping. We had two minor upsets above Current Divider Rapid, but got it back together and ran the rapid OK. Then we cruised on out on Highway Rapid and Swimmer's Rapid.

We stopped for pizza & a beer at Yosum's in Coloma. It was just warm enough to enjoy sitting outside on the patio. But it got dark awful early, so sooner or later we are going to have to admit that summer is over.
Lots of awards are needed in recognition of such a stellar day of kayaking!! The King Salmon Award for frequent swimming was hotly contested, but by the end of the day the winner was clear. The Busy Baker Award was given for making the most rolls (attempts & successes). An Honorary Degree in Geology was awarded for studying the rocks up close and personal so often throughout the day. And Honorable Mention for members of our group who very briefly entered the playboating contest at Barking Dog Rapid - better luck next time!
More about:
• Trip Reports - Kayaking Whitewater Rivers in California.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers and other paddle-boaters.
Tags: kayaking, river, whitewater, paddle boating, playboating, California.
Labels: trip
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Merced River, California, Wild and Scenic - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Mariposa County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on Merced River - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).A. Merced River El Cap Meadow to Highway 120 / 140 junction. (III-IV)
- At present Yosemite National Park rules prohibit boating on this section.
- See Merced River page at American Whitewater.
B. Merced River El Portal to Suspension Bridge (IV)
C. Merced River Suspension Bridge to Briceberg (II)
D. Merced River Briceberg to Bagby (IV)
E. Merced River SF Snyder Gulch Run. (IV)
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - Merced River.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: Merced River put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Merced River Whitewater Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks - Merced River.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 237-243)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg.56-60)
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 250-257)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 131-134)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• I will gladly post or link to whitewater trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided. Please contact me to submit reports on your Merced River trips.• Merced River kayaking trip report - Trip Journal 30april2006.
• SF Merced River - Shasta Base Camp 30july2008.
• El Portal Run Merced River - kimandgeoff 10april05.
• Merced River Rafting - All-Outdoors 25mar2008.
• Merced River pictures from kayaking - marold 15april2007
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• Merced River is protected within the USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.• Merced River Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• Using the white water river paddleboating guides - BRT Kayaking.
• Creeks & rivers nearby: Tuolumne River, Chowchilla River, San Joaquin River, San Joaquin River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: Merced River, whitewater, California, river map, wild and scenic, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: guide
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Feather River, California, Wild and Scenic - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Plumas County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on Feather River - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).A. Feather River WF of the NF Chester Run (II)
B. Feather River EF of the NF Indian Creek Run (III)
C. Feather River EF of the NF Spanish Creek Run (III)
D. Feather River EF of the NF Greenville Y to Virgilia Run (II+)
E. Feather River EF of the NF Virgilia to Belden Run (IV)
F. Feather River NF Rock Creek Run (IV)
G. Feather River NF Cresta Run (IV)
H. Feather River NF Poe Run (IV+)
I. Feather River NF Poe Powerhouse to Lake Oroville Run (IV)
J. Feather River MF Mabie to Clio(IV)
K. Feather River MF Clio to Mohawk (II)
L. Feather River MF Mohawk to Sloat (II+)
M. Feather River MF Sloat to Nelson Point (II+)
N. Feather River SF Diversion to Golden Trout Crossing (III+?)
O. Lower Feather River - Oroville Dam to Verona (I). Flatwater paddleboating.
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - Feather River.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: Feather River put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Feather River Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks - Feather River.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 108-129)• Paddling Northern California by Charlie Pike. (pg. 198-200)
• Ann Dwyer's Easy Waters of California North, 2000. (pg. 264-275)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 42-44)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
• I will post or link to well-written, whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided. Please contact me to submit reports on your Feather River trips.• NF Feather River - Big Bend Dam Run photos - vanilladh 14nov2009.
• Feather River Lobin Run photos - vanilladh 15nov2009.
• Big Bend Dam Run Feather River - Sage Donnelly 10nov2009.
• NF Feather River photos - Loma Prieta Paddlers 16oct2009.
• Virgilia to Belden Run, NF Feather River - Rambling Ruminations 07april2008.
• Cresta & Tobin Runs, NF Feather River - trailrunr 15&16oct2005.
• Cresta Run, NF Feather River - trailrunr 24sept2005.
• NF Feather River Tobin Festival - Shasta Base Camp 03oct2008.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• Feather River MF is protected within the USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.• Feather River Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• How to use guides to white water river rafting and kayaking - BRT Insights.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Butte Creek, Yuba River, Sacramento River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: Feather River, California, wild and scenic, whitewater, river map, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: guide
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuolumne River, California, Wild and Scenic - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Tuolumne County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on Tuolumne River - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).1. Tuolumne River Lumsden Bridge Run (class IV).
- 1.5 miles to Meral's Pool, permit required. (A)
2. Tuolumne River Meral's Pool Run (class IV).
- 18 miles of whitewater, permit required. (B)
- Ward's Ferry Bridge take-out (C)
3. Tuolumne River SF Rainbow Pool (class III).
- park and play on this 12 foot? runnable waterfall. (D)
4. Tuolumne River Parkway (class I-II).
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - Tuolumne River.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-Screen River Map: Tuolumne River put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Tuolumne River Kayaking & Rafting Directory.(Display options - alphabetical 100. See section 1.)
Printed Guidebooks - Tuolumne River Whitewater.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 219-220)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg.71-77)
• Western Whitewater From the Rockies to the Pacific, 1994. (pg. 344-351)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 124-130)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
Please contact me to submit reports on your Tuolumne River trips. I will post or link to well-written, whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided.• Rainbow Pool Waterfall SF Tuolumne River video - lunaticrider209 14june2010
• SF Tuolumne River photos - Loma Prieta Paddlers 16oct2009.
• Tuolumne River From the Sierra to the Sea - Sierra Mountain Times 18june2009.
• Tuolumne River rafting - Terry's World 22june2009.
• Paddle Boat Running Clavey Falls video - echotrips 30jan2007.
• Toulumne River - kimandgeoff 04june2005.
• Tuolumne River - kimandgeoff 09april2005.
• Tuolumne River Rafting - Nemesis Rapid video - oarsweb 27april2009.
• Tuolumne River Rafting - All-Outdoors 25mar2008.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• Tuolumne River is protected within the USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.• Tuolumne River Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• How to use guides to white water river rafting and kayaking - BRT Insights.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Stanislaus River, Merced River, San Joaquin River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: Tuolumne River, California, wild and scenic, whitewater, river map, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: guide
Thursday, October 09, 2008
California's Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
There is considerable overlap between the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Program and the USA National Wild and Scenic Rivers Program.
2. California's Wild and Scenic Rivers System also protects some additional rivers not included in the federal program.
• River map user instructions.
• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-screen map: California State Program - Wild & Scenic River locations.
* Albion River (N 39.24249 W 123.73189) (A).
* Cache Creek (N 38.92099 W 122.32122) (B).
* Carson River (N 38.71579 W 119.76351) (C).
* Deer Creek (N 40.18897 W 121.53171) (D).
* Gualala River (N 38.66702 W 123.30128) (E).
* McCloud River (N 40.95922 W 122.21569) (F).
* Mill Creek (N 40.30611 W 121.51583) (G).
* South Yuba River (N 39.29273 W 121.19263) (H).
* West Walker River (N 38.52279 W 119.48001) (I).
Additional information:
• Wild & Scenic Rivers USA National Program protects 15 California rivers and many of their tributaries.
• California River Conservation & Water Supply Policies - BRT Insights.
• Trip report, Cache Creek Rumsey Run, Wild and Scenic, kayaking 05july2008.
• Trip report, Cache Creek Wilderness Run, Wild and Scenic, kayaking 22jan2006.
Tags: river, river conservation, Wild and Scenic Rivers.
Wild & Scenic River locations - protected in California's Program.
1. The California State Wild and Scenic Rivers Program includes all of the California rivers protected under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers program. (American River, Eel River, Klamath River, Salmon River, Scott River, Smith River, Trinity River, Van Duzen River). See the map of USA National Wild & Scenic Rivers in California.2. California's Wild and Scenic Rivers System also protects some additional rivers not included in the federal program.
• River map user instructions.
• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-screen map: California State Program - Wild & Scenic River locations.
* Albion River (N 39.24249 W 123.73189) (A).
* Cache Creek (N 38.92099 W 122.32122) (B).
* Carson River (N 38.71579 W 119.76351) (C).
* Deer Creek (N 40.18897 W 121.53171) (D).
* Gualala River (N 38.66702 W 123.30128) (E).
* McCloud River (N 40.95922 W 122.21569) (F).
* Mill Creek (N 40.30611 W 121.51583) (G).
* South Yuba River (N 39.29273 W 121.19263) (H).
* West Walker River (N 38.52279 W 119.48001) (I).
Additional information:
• Wild & Scenic Rivers USA National Program protects 15 California rivers and many of their tributaries.
• California River Conservation & Water Supply Policies - BRT Insights.
• Trip report, Cache Creek Rumsey Run, Wild and Scenic, kayaking 05july2008.
• Trip report, Cache Creek Wilderness Run, Wild and Scenic, kayaking 22jan2006.
Tags: river, river conservation, Wild and Scenic Rivers.
Labels: conservation
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Stanislaus River, California - Whitewater Overview.
Kayaking, Rafting & Canoeing Guide & Maps - Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Tuolumne County, California, USA.
Whitewater Runs on Stanislaus River - locations of put-ins.
River & Run name (whitewater class).A. Stanislaus River NF Board's Crossing Run (class IV).
B. Stanislaus River Camp 9 Run (class III).
- part of this run reappears when water level in New Melones Reservoir is low.
C. Stanislaus River Goodwin Dam Run (class V)
D. Stanislaus River Lower Run (class I-II)
River Map showing put-in locations for whitewater runs - Stanislaus River.
• River map user instructions.• FFull-Screen River Map: Stanislaus River put-in locations.
Markers on the river map show locations of put-ins listed above (A, B).
Point or DoubleClick on the markers to see their names.
Click on the Topo button to see the topographic map.
Online River Guides & River Flow Data for Paddle Boating.
• Stanislaus River Directory & Stanislaus River Lower Run Directory. Set display options: alphabetical 100. See boating guides & river flows in Section 1.Printed Guidebooks - Stanislaus River whitewater.
• Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition 1998. (pg 195-210)• California Whitewater - A Guide to the Rivers, Third Edition 1995. (pg.78-87)
• Sierra Whitewater - A Paddler's Guide ... 1974. (pg. 116-123)
• Down the Wild Rivers- A Guide to the Streams of California, 1972. (pg.140-148)
• California River Maps - Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme, 2008.
Whitewater River Trip Reports NEEDED !!
Please contact me to submit reports on your Stanislaus River trips. I am interested to post or link to whitewater paddleboating trip reports from guest authors, particularly if boating pictures and/or videos are provided.• Arroyo Seco & NF Stan video - bhouse38 18oct2009
• Stanislaus River, Goodwin Canyon photos - Loma Prieta Paddlers 16oct2009.
• NF Stanislaus River photos, McKay Run - Loma Prieta Paddlers 16oct2009.
• Board's Crossing Run NF Stanislaus River - kimandgeoff 25june2006.
• Board's Crossing Run NF Stanislaus River - kimandgeoff 16april2005.
• NF Stanislaus River - kimandgeoff 12march2005.
• River Rafting the North Fork of the Stanislaus video - mshorts 05july2006.
• North Stanislaus River video - sodunlap 19mar2008.
• North Fork Stanislaus River Rafting - All-Outdoors 04aug2008.
• North Fork Stanislaus River Rafting Videos - Metacafe.
• Stanislaus River Trips on the North Fork | OARS 11mar2009.
Whitewater River Recreation & Conservation.
• Stanislaus River Conservation & Recreation Directory.• Stanislaus River Lower Run Conservation & Recreation Directory. (Set display options - alphabetical 100. Section 1=whitewater, 2=rafting, 3=conservation, 4=fishing, 5=camping-hiking, 6=local-info)
More about:
• How to use guides to white water river rafting and kayaking - BRT Insights.
• Rivers & creeks nearby: Calaveras River, Tuolumne River, San Joaquin River Valley Region.
• California Whitewater River Guides for kayakers, canoeists & rafters.
Tags: Stanislaus River, California, whitewater, river map, river, kayaking, paddle boating.
Labels: guide
Monday, October 06, 2008
Canoer's Guide to the Wild and Scenic Middle Klamath River 4th edition, 2006 (book review).
California whitewater river guidebook for canoeing, kayaking & rafting.
(Updated 11feb2009. Get the new 2009 edition of the book - Canoer's Guide to the Wild and Scenic Middle Klamath RiverThe river flow websites on pg. 19 of the book are out of date. Check the Klamath River flow data at USGS. Middle Klamath River flows are always dominated by the release from Iron Gate Dam, but rainy season boaters need to beware of significant additional flows occasionally contributed by the Scott River and Shasta River.
Page numbers on the Klamath River map at the front of the book provide some help in finding desired sections within the book, but it would be nice if the next edition of this book had a proper index and table of contents. The spiral plastic binding is OK, but maybe is not as durable and convenient as a typical paperback book binding.
"Canoer's Guide ..." is a great resource for boaters interested in paddling on this section of the Wild and Scenic Klamath River. Written by river-lovers for use by river-lovers, I rate this book great (**** 4 stars out of 5).
More about:
• America's Wild and Scenic Rivers - National Geographic Society, 1983 - book review.
• Reviews - Books, Videos & Websites for kayaking & canoeing on whitewater rivers.
• California Rivers Protected in the National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.
• Klamath River, California - Whitewater Paddleboating Guide.
Tags: Klamath River, California, Wild and Scenic, river, whitewater, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, paddle boating.
Labels: book
Saturday, October 04, 2008
California Rivers Protected in the National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program.
The National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program protects 15 rivers in California, including many of their tributaries. The list below includes all of the primary 15 rivers (•) and only a few of the protected tributaries (*) that are well-known for kayaking. All of these rivers are also protected in the California State Wild and Scenic Rivers Program. | ![]() |
Wild & Scenic River locations - California.
• River map user instructions.• Full screen river map - see below.
Full-screen map: National Wild & Scenic River locations in California.
• American River - Lower (N 38.63670 W 121.22174) (A).
• American River NF (N 39.10076 W 120.92495) (B).
• Big Sur River (N 36.24417 W 121.68129) (C).
• Black Butte River (N 39.72843 W 122.94341) (D).
• Eel River (N 40.35773 W 123.92012) (E).
* Van Duzen River (N 40.48907 W 123.62629) (F).
• Feather River MF (N 39.81500 W 120.38286) (G).
• Kern River NF (N 35.79296 W 118.45081) (H).
Kern River SF (N 35.84641 W 118.21508) (I).
• Kings River (N 36.83818 W 118.87503) (J).
• Klamath River (N 41.92936 W 122.44314) (K).
* Cal Salmon River (N 41.25690 W 123.32325) (L).
* Scott River (N 41.76440 W 123.01864) (M).
* Wooley Creek (N 41.38930 W 123.41629) (N).
• Merced River (N 37.65488 W 119.88513) (O).
• Sespe Creek (N 34.55846 W 119.26393) (P).
• Sisquoc River (N 34.82483 W 119.98242) (Q).
• Smith River (N 41.79531 W 124.05775) (R).
• Trinity River (N 40.72479 W 122.80144) (S).
* New River (N 40.86394 W 123.45792) (T).
• Tuolumne River (N 37.83677 W 120.05362) (U).
I have kayaked on parts of 10 different Wild & Scenic rivers in California (American-Lower, Eel, Van Duzen, Feather MF, Klamath, Merced, Smith, Trinity, New, Tuolumne).
Additional information:
• Wild and Scenic Rivers in California - Additions to the USA National Program 27mar2009.
• Wild and Scenic Rivers, California - Public Lands Information Center.
• River Conservation & Water Supply Policy in California - BRT Insights.
• USA Wild and Scenic Rivers Act - celebrate the 40th anniversary- BRT Insights 03oct2008.
• Trip report, Trinity River Wild & Scenic, kayaking class III, 29july2007.
• Trip report, American River Wild & Scenic, kayaking class I+ by moonlight, 30june2007.
Tags: river, river conservation, Wild and Scenic Rivers.
Labels: conservation
Friday, October 03, 2008
USA Wild and Scenic Rivers Act - celebrate the 40th anniversary of the legislation.
Festival at Mary Laveroni Community Park in Groveland, Tuolumne County, California, 04oct2008.
Learn about our wild rivers and those who have worked so hard to preserve them !!
"Forty years ago, as more and more of our nation's rivers were being dammed and diverted; congress passed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ... created a process to protect our most outstanding rivers in a free flowing state for the enjoyment of present and future generations."Additional information:
• Celebration of Wild and Scenic Rivers on Oct. 4, 2008 in Groveland, CA - YubaNet.
• America's Wild and Scenic Rivers - National Geographic Society, 1983 - book review.
• America's Wild & Scenic Rivers - American Profile 18may2008.
• USA National Wild and Scenic Rivers System - rivers.gov.
• California River Conservation & Water Supply Policy - BRT Insights.
Tags: river, river conservation, Wild and Scenic Rivers.
Labels: conservation